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If a PCBA companies going to produce board designs on right time, advanced PCB and IC technologies have to be matched with advanced design and analysis tools are must . in a recent survey :Why PCB Design Matters to the Executive , 62% of electronics company respondents said that increasing PCB complexity was their main challenge as they tried to get the most competitive product to market more quickly and at reduced cost. The technology advances that helped make their products more competitive had also made their designers less productive also increased times. The top 32% of ccompanies contacted for the survey said they used design best practices to overcome these challenges.kingshengPCBA is also finding ways of efficiency and productively constantly over the past 12 years . Complexity is Increasing day by day , several factors are leading to increasing PCB complexity.
Board area has remained relatively constant while the number of leads per square inch has tripled in the last 10 years. The average number of components has quadrupled in 15 years while the average leads-per-part has decreased by a factor of 4-5x. This reflects the increasing use of a few, very high pin-count parts, combined with the passive components (such as terminating resistors and decoupling caps) that are necessary to support high performance interconnects. The number of pins in a design has tripled and the number of pin-to-pin connections has doubled. Performance, Heat and Manufacturability Significant increases in IC speeds and densities have made designing advanced PCBs more difficult in a number of other ways. 1 - The proportion of high-speed interconnects that must meet strict design rules In several TLA entries, a very high proportion of nets had to meet strict design rules that affect performance and signal integrity. In one case, 93% of interconnects had to meet signal-integrity constraints. With the emergence of SERDES and DDRx interconnect standards, some nets now have to be kept short and meet very tight matching-length tolerances. 2 - The thermal impact of high performance Despite attempts by IC suppliers to cut power dissipation, as IC speeds and densities increase so does the heat they dissipate. And putting these ICs into smaller and smaller form factors compounds the problem. This causes significant thermal management challenges that must be met at the IC package, PCB and system levels. 3 - The need for multiple voltage levels at tight tolerances Several years ago, all ICs ran on +5V, so a board’s power system could run on a single voltage and ground plane. Today, ICs run at multiple supply voltages, some of which can be as low as 0.9V. A complex PCB may have to accommodate up to 30 power distribution networks (PDNs) which have to be jig-sawed into as few layers as possible.
PCB designers must design these finely tuned PDNs with enough (but not too much) copper to meet DC specs and distribute enough de-coupling capacitors (but not too many, as this would raise the cost) to meet AC specs. 4 – Manufacturability issues The use of finer tolerances, smaller components, denser BGAs and even flip-chip mounting means that PCB designers need to check their work for manufacturing violations, and apply best practices that help improve yields and increase reliability. These rule sets can be very extensive (some have grown to more than over 700 entries), putting them beyond the comprehension of the average designer to track during layout.
KingshengPCBA delighted to share knowledges of PCB, PCBA with all friends and customers ,if you have any question ,always feel free leave message to us !
Please send Email to kspcba@c-alley.com or call us through +86 13828766801 Or submit your inquiry by online form. Please fill out below form and attach your manufacturing files( PCB Gerber files and BOM List) if need quotation. We will contact you shortly.