01-11 | Industry
Determining the stacked structure of a multilayer PCB involves various factors. From a wiring perspective, having more layers generally improves the routing capability. However, this increase comes with higher costs and greater manufacturing complexit
01-11 | Industry
As the aging population continues to grow, the role of PCB (printed circuit board) manufacturing in the medical industry will become increasingly important. PCBs are essential components in various medical devices, such as MRI machines and cardiac ...
01-11 | Industry
Before designing a multi-layer PCB circuit board, PCB layout engineers must determine the board's structure based on the circuit scale, board size, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements. This will involve deciding whether to use a 4-lay
01-11 | Industry
High-density circuit board technology is a crucial aspect of modern circuit board design and manufacturing. It enables the integration of more circuit components into a smaller physical space, resulting in higher performance. This article discusses...
01-11 | Industry
The power circuit is a crucial component of an electronic product, and its design directly impacts the product's performance. Our electronic products primarily utilize linear power supplies and high-frequency switching power supplies.
01-11 | Industry
PCB (Printed Circuit Board) reverse engineering involves analyzing existing electronic products and their circuit boards to recreate technical documents such as PCB files, Bills of Materials (BOM), and schematic files. The process allows for a 1:1 ..
01-10 | Industry
It is common for certain PCBA processed products to develop white spots. This phenomenon typically occurs during the soldering or cleaning process and appears as white spots or residues on or around the surface of the printed circuit board
01-10 | Industry
In the early stages of designing electronic equipment, the circuit schematic must be accurately designed. Any problems in the PCB design can hurt the equipment's reliability. Therefore, the correct approach must be used in the PCB board design.
01-10 | Industry
PCB manufacturers commonly use SMT placement as one of their services, which involves the use of placement machines. Placement machines are highly technical and most manufacturers prefer foreign brands from Europe, America, and Japan to ...
01-08 | Industry
When comparing PCB prices, it is important to keep these aspects in mind. Although the initial cost of a reliable, guaranteed, and long-life product may be high, it provides good value in the long run. Here are 14 of the most important features of ...
01-08 | Industry
The current surface finish methods are the following: 1. Hot air solderleveling (HASL); 2. Organic antioxidant(OSP); 3. Chemical nickelplating gold; 4. Chemical silver; 5. Nickel plating; 6. PCB mixed surface finish technology
01-08 | Industry
The impact is growing and increasing the demands placed on the PCBA reliability of electrical equipment. The following KSPCBA briefly introduces the factors that cause poor PCB surface quality during the production and PCBA processing process.