11-21 | Industry
The incremental need of electronic products propels rapid expansion of electronic manufacturing industry, involving upgrading technology deposition. With popularity of smart phone and wearable devices, there are refined and high requirements of
11-21 | Industry
KingshengPCBA provides sourcing services for metal or plastic shields and electronic components. We focus on quality materials that meet or exceed customer requirements.
11-21 | Industry
There are four types of PCB stencils: prototypes, framed, frameless and hand/ rework stencils. Each has a different function. Prototype PCB stencils are customised laser cut stencils made for various PCB needs. They are also used in Gerber files.
11-21 | Industry
In chemically etched PCB stencils, the stencil is etched from both sides using two positive images. The PCB etching process leaves aperture walls that taper to an hour-glass shape in the centre of the aperture. In laser-cut PCB stencils,
11-21 | Industry
In the PCB reverse technology research, the anti-push schematic diagram is based on the PCB file diagram or directly based on the product directly depicts the PCB circuit diagram, designed to explain the PCBA principle and work of the printed circuit
11-21 | Industry
Before we start Kingsheng PCBA manufacturing, engineers have to review PCB gerber files and BOM list and try to figure out critical aspects of PCB manufacturing and SMT assembly process, such as copper plating, exposure, surface finish,
11-21 | Industry
The incremental need of electronic products propels rapid expansion of electronic manufacturing industry, involving upgrading technology deposition. With popularity of smart phone and wearable devices, there are refined and high requirements
11-21 | Industry
Many electronic product companies concentrate on research, design and marketing and outsource all process of electronic manufacturing. It comes to a lot of phases from product prototype to market launch, PCBA test is one of crucial phases.
11-21 | Industry
For single and multi-layer PCBA manufacturing of the highest precision and reliability, contact KingshengPCBA. We specialize in rigid, flex, and rigid-flex circuits, and can meet challenging requirements in the shortest time.
11-21 | Industry
KingshengPCBA OEM Electronic PCB Printed Board Assembly Services;KingshengPCBA OEM,KingshengPCBA PCB Assembly,KingshengPCBA SMT; KingshengPCBA is dedicated to being a long-term PCBAs partner with our customers to achieve quality and cost optimization.
11-21 | Industry
Assembly holder modifier for kingshengPCBA. This modifier represents the load/unload time for each machine-based process step. It is highly dependent on the machine setup procedures and the type of work holder to be used. In Kingsheng PCB assembly,
11-21 | Industry
The manufacturing plan for printed circuit boards - PCBA can change frequently. Some of the changes could be the batch run sizes, the work holder sizes, or the quality of the assembly process steps PCB assembly.